Aotearoa Tempo


Aotearoa Tempo

NSC - Aotearoa Tempo


Added to the NSC range in 2019, the Tempo is an updated take on the much-loved Aotearoa Dressage saddle. Bringing you a shorter flap length to better suit our NZ riders, and a moveable knee block to allow you to  customise your position in the saddle.

Still with a traditional deeper seat, with contoured latex and a medium-wide comfort twist to provide you with superior comfort, this saddle is great for dressage competitions and yet comfortable enough to hack out in!

Generous panels with a drop panel shape to support those that need more support through the front of the saddle, it is one of the few saddles designed specifically for the high withered NZ horse with a long drop onto the rib shelf.

  • Adjustable blocks
  • Wooden laminated spring tree
  • Wool flocked panels
  • Individual customisations available for piping, keepers,and cantles –POA
ColourBlack or brown
Seat Size17”, 17.5”, 18”
Width / GulletM, MW, W
LeatherEnglish Mellow as standard or upgrade to Buffalo or Italian Calf
